Our mission

The Democratic Party of Walworth County engages voters to elect and support candidates who share our democratic values and issues: that human and civil rights are basic freedoms which belong to everyone.

We encourage membership in the Democratic Party and offer opportunities for participation by all members.

We recruit and support candidates in Walworth County and its representives in state govenrment and U.S. congressional districts.

As the official county party in Walworth County, recognized by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, we participate in developing Democratic Party principles and proposals, especially as they relate to Walworth County.

Incorporated in 2015, we have grown and have come to be recognized as one of the strongest county level Democratic organizations in a small county—a county where many had thought few Democrats live.

We believe in the power of your voice. Join us in making a difference for our county and state. Together, we can create positive change and shape the future we believe in.

Learn more on this page about the leaders of this local party and the committees that carry out the work of organizing for success,

A general meeting of members is held at the Elkhorn office on the second Thursday of each month. Non-members are welcome to attend.

Senator Tammy Baldwin addressing the crowd in Elkhorn in 2023

Rally in Elkhorn in 2023. Walworth County Democrats welcomed Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin on her rounds of Wisconsin rural communities.

Democratic Party of Walworth County Dems
Executive Board

The Walworth County Dems Board meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm at the Elkhorn office. Members interested in attending are welcome.

Anita Loch
Walworth Dems Party Chair

Sue Chandler
Walworth Dems Party Vice Chair
Elections and Legislation Committee Chair

Christine Hammerstrom
Walworth Dems Party Secretary

Patti Guilfoyle
Walworth Dems Party Treasurer

Suzanne Arnold
IT Infrastructure Committee Chair

Sue Beyler
Community Outreach Committee Chair

Cathy Bloss
Membership & Hospitality Committee Chair

Bob Cole
At Large Board Member

Margie Black
At Large Board Member

Communications and Marketing Committee Chair

Susie Kinast-Porter
Volunteer Coordinator

George Wen
At Large Board Member


Membership & Hospitality
The membership & hospitality committee works to grow our membership base and welcome new and existing members! Membership in your local county party means you are also a member of the state party (Democratic Party of Wisconsin) – and may vote as a delegate at the state convention.

Charts and graphs

Walworth Dems is an all-volunteer organization. The fundraising/finance committee is in charge of raising funds to keep our doors open and lights on, keeping our financial house in order, and ensuring we can continue to grow and flip Walworth County Blue!

Wisconsin Capitol in Madison

Elections & Legislative
The committee develops and implements, with the Communication & Marketing Committee, a local plan to increase the election of Democrats. The committee organizes voter contact actions like canvassing. The committee also monitors legislation addressing key issues.

People gathered around a laptop

Community Outreach
The Community Outreach committee organizes member engagement in community events, such as the County Fair, farmers markets, Cinco de Mayo, festivals, parades, sign brigades, and service activities like highway cleanups, blood drives, Little Blue Pantry, and monthly coffees. 

IT (Information Technology)
This committee identifies new IT and physical infrastructure needs, creates manuals for use of facilities, and manages access and passwords. IT includes computers, printers, website, social media, and interaction with external Democratic Party, such as ActBlue and Mobilize.

Communications and Marketing
The communications & marketing committee is tasked with communicating with our members and the public at large by creating our email newsletters, updating our website, writing letters-to-the-editor, creating public-facing marketing materials and press releases, and managing and promoting major fundraising and special events.