Democratic Party of Walworth County
Fighting for all of us.



100 Days to November 5


Weekend of Action July 27-28


Canvassing 〰️ 100 Days to November 5 〰️ Weekend of Action July 27-28 〰️


Harris secures pledges from delegates

“Less than a day after Biden passed the torch, other prominent Democrats endorsed Harris, and none stepped forward to challenge her for the Democratic nomination.” {NBC News)

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin endorsed Harris, along with most other state Democratic parties; “state party endorsements represent 73 percent of the 3,949 delegates who will vote on the first ballot at the party convention.” (New York Times, July 23, 2024).

The enthusiasm is palpable—you can feel it! The UW - Whitewater College Democrats report that “College Dems are definitely reinvigorated by this endorsement! So inspiring getting calls over the past 24 hours of people ready to get to work in the Fall!” (email July 22 from Evelyn Schmidt, UWW College Dems chair).

But lots of work remains to be done. Already, we have heard racist, sexist, and false claims about Harris from GOP operatives.

More importantly, we know that winning the White House is not enough to deliver on our agenda. We need majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and in our state Assembly and Senate. Election Day is

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on President Biden

MADISON, Wis. — Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement in response to President Biden’s decision to step down from the presidential race:

“President Biden will be remembered by history as one our nation’s greatest presidents—a transformational leader who dedicated a lifetime of service to our country. It has been an honor for all of us at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to work alongside him and his team for these past three and a half years. With razor-thin majorities in the House and Senate, President Biden accomplished what other leaders dreamed of: he secured historic investments in American infrastructure, moved the nation through a deadly pandemic, faced down Big Pharma head-on to cut the cost of prescription drugs and increase access to health care, passed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in 30 years, signed marriage equality into law, and is tackling the climate crisis every day. He rebuilt America’s leadership on the world stage and reminded America about its soul—the idea at the core of our nation that all are created equal.

“Joe Biden met the moment at a time of urgent need. That’s who he is. President Biden has always has always answered the call to service, and put duty and country first. Today’s decision reflects President Biden’s profound commitment to our nation. As we prepare for the next chapter in the fight to defeat MAGA extremism and win the battle for the soul of America, we feel profound gratitude for the patriotism and leadership of President Biden.”

We will post developments as we hear them.


Kamala Harris Rally in Milwaukee

July 23, 10:30 - 4:00

Join Vice President Kamala Harris this Tuesday in Milwaukee for a rally, as she fires up voters from around the state to get out and support Democrats up and down the ballot! Vice President Harris will be reaffirming our commitment to a bold vision for America's political future, with policy based on compassion, love, and caring for those most vulnerable in our nation. On Tuesday, help us send a resounding message—Democrats will turn out for Joe and Kamala in November!

There will be a limited number of tickets for this event, so attendance will not be guaranteed after filling out the RSVP form. Please RSVP as soon as possible in order to have the best chance of receiving attendance information!

Those admitted will receive information on specific time and location 12-24 hours before the start of the event. 

Door Knocking Training
Thursday, July 25th
5pm in the Elkhorn office

If you have anyone interested in getting trained, they can sign-up here or you can reach out to me with their info and I will enter them into the system.

July 27 Canvassing

Come to the Elkhorn of Whitewater office. Canvassing in multiple communities. Two shifts.

Sign up and pick up materials:

Elkhorn via Mobilize.

Whitewater via Mobilize.

Continue our efforts to get out the vote to defeat the Wisconsin constitutional amendments on the ballot August 13.

Let us know you are coming. Sign up here to help us plan and let us know what you'll be bringing.

Have fun, play games, share some time with our fellow Dems and then ENTER TO WIN THE 50/50 RAFFLE!

For more information call 262-379-1277 or email

WisDems are Hiring Canvassers and Organizers

Walworth County Dems would love some local residents to land some of these jobs.

Learn more about the position and apply online.

Read Walworth County Democratic Party weekly email news.